Monday, November 15, 2010
Just So You Know

Friday, November 12, 2010
Portraits for Sale!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Greatest SciFest Video Ever Made. Ever.
Scifest 2010 Promo from David Callahan on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Coming Soon Eventually!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I Have No Comma Sense.

For those of you who can't manage to enjoy my clever wit because you're having trouble seeing past all of the glaring punctuation problems, I apologize. I'm going to get control of it. I stress over every comma, "Does it go here? Should I put one there?" Periods, I think I have the hang of, but, a semi colon? FORGET IT. I think I've dared to use two ever in my life. Thank, God my favorite author, John Shore, co-wrote a book along with Richard Lederer that explain just where to put these pesky-but-necessary scratch marks in a sentence. Improvement is on it's way. I promise!
Monday, August 9, 2010
My Shark Boyfriend.

Shame Cleaning/Clean Desk Challenge 2010

We're moving. Me and all my pals in Design & Creative Services are being relocated up the street to a new/old building. (And we're not complaining) The architects of said building stopped in the other day to check out our current space so they could evaluate what our needs are. I didn't know they were coming. Sigh. You see, I'm a slob. Yes. There. I've said it. It's out there for the universe to judge. My not-so-secret shame. Anyone who's ever lived with me, worked with me, ridden in my car, or seen me from 100 yards away will tell you - "That girl is a mess."

Friday, July 23, 2010
Makin' Stuff Outta Paper
Every year, my job at the good ol' Saint Louis Science Center is to design the overall look for SciFest (a pretty cool 5 day science festival we host every year). The only problem is that the mascot we inherited for the event is this dumb doll head with these goofy glasses:

So last year I went with linoleum cut:

I hacked away until I got this:

Then I slopped ink all over it, and pressed it into paper to get this:

THIS YEAR, thanks to the last minute suggestion of my co-worker and opposer extraordinaire, John Schmitt, I went with paper.
The original sketch:

The crappy first version:

I'm really happy with how it turned out. All of the sleepless nights, caffeine-induced panic attacks and crying fits were well worth it.
Lots more to come concerning paper. Stay tuned. Right now we're working on a Paper-Cut commercial that I'll post when it's finished. And yes co-workers, it WILL get finished.
Want to know more about the greatness of paper? Check out these sites:
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Big Deal - Part 2
As I was saying in Part 1 that you will never read, I had my first solo show in May. A Big Deal. One room. Twenty newish paintings. For those of you who couldn't make it in the five weeks that it was up, here's what you jerks missed:
As many of you know, I'm very sweet, loving, compassionate and HIGHLY irritable. I have a list of pet peeves a kilometer long and here is the start of a series inspired by them.
Get Behind Me Laugh-Talker - Not everyone minds it when someone is laughing so hard while telling a story that you can hardly make out what they are saying. Not everyone agrees that no story can ever be as funny as you build it up to be when you do that. Not everyone is highly annoyed when a story takes 3 times as long as it needs to when the teller is spitting and spewing and red-faced. But I do.
One of These Days.... - Oh, future husband. I apologize in advance for all the dirty looks you will receive from me anytime you are consuming food or drink within an earshot of me. Slurping, loud-swallowing, sucking and chewing - it's all like nails on a chalk board to me. It doesn't mean I don't love you the rest of the time.
Unlitterally - I believe you mean figuratively.
Waistlines are on the Rise, Right? - Thankfully, I believe this trend has passed it's peak, at least among the female population. You're next boys with your boxers out.
Can't Buy You Love - 'Cause it sold.
Amy At Last - If you are persistent enough with your "Paint me! And don't make me one of those ugly people." requests. Eventually, I'll paint you. Amy can testify.
Pessy Penguin - What goes better with a picture of Amy than a picture of Pat?
Another Butt.
Many Mini Flowers - I like making stuff that's just pretty sometimes. Mindlessly doodling one day I stumbled upon a technique that I LOVE. Apparently, craft paper, Sharpies & colored pencils are a magical combination.
Hold on to Your Ice Cream When Angels Start Falling From the Sky - This is one of my favorites that usually gets a "Meh" from (most) everyone else. It happened in one of those rare moments when I was just having fun and wasn't giving one thought to whether or not anyone else would like it. I need more of these moments.
Adam's Passivity in the Garden - Being a Christan (albeit a crappy one - but hey, that's the point, none of us will - WAIT - not now) is a monumental part of me. But I confess, I've always had trouble marrying the artist and the believer sides of myself. This was my first REAL attempt at biblical subject matter. I never touched it because it's so sacred to me and my style is anything but sacred. Humor and color. That's my thing. But, I think I've opened a door here. I can be funny AND colorful AND cynical AND make a serious personal statement!! Go me.
Jaws & Moby - Okay, so these were in another St. Louis show. I cheated. A little. But I'm proud of these guys, and I sold them in this show so it's fine. Money wins.

Hope you enjoyed. More to come.
I love you.