Hey, everybody! It's almost Christmas. Do you know what you're going to get for that person who's impossible to buy for? For me, it's my dear sweet Mother. (She either just buys what she wants for herself, or what she wants is WAY out of my price range.) Now, I've already given her a portrait (and I did it a few years ago, so it's a little bit heinous), but I'll bet most of you haven't given or received such a gift. Maybe you have and want another one. Either way, I'm happy to help you out.
Here's the Deal:
One person on a 9x12 ready-to-hang wood panel = $100 (add $20 for shipping and hassling if you can't pick it up)
That's it. Pretty simple.
Ready to make the dream come true? Here's all you have to do:
Email the request and a HIGH RESOLUTION photo to jencimino@gmail.com
Turn-around is around a week, but that DOES NOT include shipping.
Here's what a good picture looks like:
1. Must be high resolution - so nothing you pulled off of someone's facebook page.
2. Not too dark, not too light. I can see all of his features.
3. NO TOOTHY GRINS. People seemed to be shocked by this. What makes a good photo doesn't always make a good painting. Look around an art museum. How many pearly white smiles do you see? None. Smirks, frowns and other expressions are fine though.
Too dull & muddy. I can't make out his features.
Too bright. I can't make out his features here either.
These fine looking girls are just too far away.
Please forward all questions to: jencimino@gmail.com